Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crafty Time

I have been searching for awesome serving trays to spray paint and hang up. I finally found the ones I wanted after going to goodwill and DI a couple of times haha. Im glad I finished this project finally!
 got the spray paint at walmart
I got the sign from Hobby Lobby for 50% off... BOO YAH!

Isn't this so cute?! hehe I love it!

Baby Update!

Well the last time I posted a baby bump picture was when I was only 18 weeks. Now I am 28 weeks! woo hoo!

Week 23

Week 26

Here is the baby at 27 weeks :) 
side profile 
This is her hiding her face with her hands
This is her showing us her lips :)
These are her loooong legs! 
feet :)

and this is the 3D image we got of her sweet little face. Can you see it? 
 Week 28
This was right before a wedding Saturday Night.

Starting New

Lately I have been thinking about blogging and how bad I am at not posting anything! Whenever I get on to blog I write up a post and then end up not posting it because I think it sounds stupid or it isn't very creative or my life isn't interesting or whatever excuse I come up with at the time. But I have decided to not be like that anymore. I have decided I don't need to try to be any certain type of blogger, I just need to be myself. I just need to get on here and post whatever I feel like because it is my blog and not care what people are going to think. Anyways I feel better haha I am excited to post more on my blog about my life and whatever is on my mind. Now let my new blogging life begin! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011


So I need to update our blog really bad! Trenton had an xbox birthday party. I made all of the food, a veggie tray, fruit tray, homemade oreos, and homemade brownies. It was a fun party and they played til about 2 am. haha I played for about 5 minutes. There was about 6 Tvs, and 6 xbox consoles. It was a big party :)

We found out on Saturday what we are having! :) We are having a Girl!!!!!!!!! 
I couldn't believe it! I was sure I was having a boy! I had sooooo many dreams about boys and everyone said they had a feeling it was a boy. Well only Trenton said that it was a girl before we found out. He said he just had a feeling. And he was right!

Then on Sunday my sweet little niece was blessed in church :) I made a pasta salad, and cookies for the party afterwards. It was nice seeing all of our family and friends be there for the blessing.

Mishawn made this cake and did all of the decorations! sooo talented!

 This is me at 18 weeks. the baby is a size or a bell pepper. haha

Thursday, August 25, 2011

16 weeks! :)

I was 16 weeks pregnant on Saturday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bump Update: WEEK 13

 here is my baby bump :)
Do not mind my awkward hand and arm haha

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baby Bump Pictures

This is me at 8 weeks. 
And this is the baby at 8 weeks :) Our baby was sooo little! It was a size of a grape.
This is me at 9 weeks.
This is me today at 10 weeks and 1 day! :)

       We heard the heart beat last week and it was very fast and strong. It took about 5 minutes to find it. Trenton and I are both so excited to get another ultrasound soon!