Monday, September 5, 2011


So I need to update our blog really bad! Trenton had an xbox birthday party. I made all of the food, a veggie tray, fruit tray, homemade oreos, and homemade brownies. It was a fun party and they played til about 2 am. haha I played for about 5 minutes. There was about 6 Tvs, and 6 xbox consoles. It was a big party :)

We found out on Saturday what we are having! :) We are having a Girl!!!!!!!!! 
I couldn't believe it! I was sure I was having a boy! I had sooooo many dreams about boys and everyone said they had a feeling it was a boy. Well only Trenton said that it was a girl before we found out. He said he just had a feeling. And he was right!

Then on Sunday my sweet little niece was blessed in church :) I made a pasta salad, and cookies for the party afterwards. It was nice seeing all of our family and friends be there for the blessing.

Mishawn made this cake and did all of the decorations! sooo talented!

 This is me at 18 weeks. the baby is a size or a bell pepper. haha