Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crafty Time

I have been searching for awesome serving trays to spray paint and hang up. I finally found the ones I wanted after going to goodwill and DI a couple of times haha. Im glad I finished this project finally!
 got the spray paint at walmart
I got the sign from Hobby Lobby for 50% off... BOO YAH!

Isn't this so cute?! hehe I love it!

Baby Update!

Well the last time I posted a baby bump picture was when I was only 18 weeks. Now I am 28 weeks! woo hoo!

Week 23

Week 26

Here is the baby at 27 weeks :) 
side profile 
This is her hiding her face with her hands
This is her showing us her lips :)
These are her loooong legs! 
feet :)

and this is the 3D image we got of her sweet little face. Can you see it? 
 Week 28
This was right before a wedding Saturday Night.

Starting New

Lately I have been thinking about blogging and how bad I am at not posting anything! Whenever I get on to blog I write up a post and then end up not posting it because I think it sounds stupid or it isn't very creative or my life isn't interesting or whatever excuse I come up with at the time. But I have decided to not be like that anymore. I have decided I don't need to try to be any certain type of blogger, I just need to be myself. I just need to get on here and post whatever I feel like because it is my blog and not care what people are going to think. Anyways I feel better haha I am excited to post more on my blog about my life and whatever is on my mind. Now let my new blogging life begin! :)